New Membership Requirements!

BadWolfMC is committed to providing you with the highest quality Adult Minecraft Server experience possible. As such, we have decided to implement, in addition to our minimum age requirement, a minimum IQ requirement.

Everyone will be subject to the new minimum requirement effective immediately. To verify that you meet the requirement please visit and take the exam, then post a screenshot of your results in the #verifications channel in Discord. Those who do not meet the minimum requirement and those who do not take the exam will be purged from the server files at the end of the day. 

We request that those members who have already passed this test do not attempt to influence the process for others.

We will be appropriately rebranding the server in the near future and hope you will all enjoy the new and improved BadWolfMC!

Oh, and Happy April Fool’s Day!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. SJCSnuzz

    Heya! Snuzz here. Looking to build and join the community. 🙂

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