Pets Have Returned to BadWolfMC!

After a few months at obedience school, we are happy to announce the return of Pets to BadWolfMC! Our lovable little fur shadows have grown up a lot, though — no longer a passive element of the game, these pets will hunt, help you carry your stuff, and can learn all sorts of handy little tricks. Just don’t forget to feed them! 

The best part — all members can now get a pet for free! Ocelots, Parrots, and Wolves have been made available for everyone, and you can unlock additional pet types using /points or through the BadWolfMC Donation Store. Diamond members automatically have all pet types unlocked for them!

Check out the Pets Tutorial for info on how to get your new best friend, and visit the newly expanded BadWolfMC Pet Shop in the mall, right across from the /bank!


