A new vault appears! And Sonic upgrades?! Wow, we’ve been busy! We are very excited to introduce you to some fantastic new features that we’ve been eagerly working on, all aimed at enhancing your gameplay experience on BadWolfMC: An Adult Minecraft Server!
Grab your keys and gear up for an adrenaline-fueled ride as we unveil: Vault 7! For those who have conquered Vaults 1 through 6, get ready for the ultimate challenge! Vault 7 boasts 38 brand-new rooms, meticulously designed to test your skills and keep you on the edge of your seat. Read all about it on our updated vault wiki page!
But the excitement doesn’t stop there. We’re introducing a thrilling incentive for those brave enough to conquer Vault 7: the coveted Vault Star. Every successful completion of Vault 7 earns you one of these prestigious stars, unlocking a world of possibilities. How, you ask? Well, we’ll get to that in a bit.
First, let’s turn our attention to two new stars in our rewards shop: the Sonic Blaster and the Sonic Modulator! Get ready to revolutionize your gameplay with these brand new Sonic Tools. The Sonic Blaster, a formidable bow with the potential for both mending and infinity enchantments, promises to redefine your ranged combat strategy. Meanwhile, the Sonic Modulator, a trusty hoe, offers the opportunity to enhance your farming endeavors with extra fortune and unbreaking that will let you hoe your fields all night long!
Excited to get your hands on these game-changing tools? You’re in luck! Both the Sonic Blaster and the Sonic Modulator are now available in our Rewards Shop. For 750 Loyalty Points, the Sonic Blaster can be yours, while the Sonic Modulator is a steal at just 350 Loyalty Points. And you better get voting, because more new Sonics are on the way!
With your newly acquired Vault Stars, you will gain access to unprecedented customization options for your Sonic Tools and soul-bound armor!
Picture this: upgrading your sonic gear with powerful enchantments and elevating your arsenal to unprecedented levels. Want to switch between Fortune and Silk Touch on your Sonic Probe at will? How about upgrading your Sonic Blaster with Infinity on top of the built-in Mending? Or add extra Unbreaking to literally everything! It’s all within reach, thanks to your triumphs in Vault 7!
Get your sonic upgrades through the new Sonic Buffs menu accessed by using the /sonics command while holding your favorite Sonic Tool! It’s super sonic!


Brand new to our events calendar are the bi-monthly Vault Raids! Join us every 2nd and 4th Monday at 9:30pm Eastern for a free Vault Run and Boss Fight! Get loads of free Vault Keys to prepare you for your Vault 7 runs, plus tons of loot! Don’t miss it!
With Vault 7 and our new Sonic Tools, the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or just starting your journey, there’s never been a better time to explore the wonders of BadWolfMC. So gear up, sharpen your skills, and prepare for an epic adventure like never before!